Take a photo of your pouch in the field and post on social media using the hashtags so we can enjoy cool geo landscapes around the world! #PlateauDesign #thegeopouch #geofieldpouch. Or send photos direct to plateaudesign9@gmail.com and I will post them to the Plateau Design website and Facebook.
"I have truly broken in my field pouch. I’ve had a stint in the freezing cold of New Zealand and now it’s serving me well, in and out of helicopters and boats all day in the wilds of Papua New Guinea. You don’t even notice it’s on you."
"Studying the ‘emplacement of dykes within the Morugo Granite, in the Pioneer Valley, west of Mackay, North Queensland and tectonic [event] association." Deryk 10/19
So proud to see our green Plateau Design field pouch being used by this volcanologist mapping the May '18 Kilaua Earthquake & Eruption effects.
"When conducting field work on challenging terrain within mass swarms of biting insects, it is crucial to have field equipment that does not add to the chaos. Plateau Design offers just this. Their product helped make my first summer of geologic mapping a success." Caden J. Howlett, Montana State University, Canyon Mountains in central Utah
"Once again, your field pouches are the ideal choice for geological mapping and fieldwork in remote areas – or any area for that matter. They are rugged and can carry all the essentials needed for efficient fieldwork." Dr. David Lageson, East Greenland field area. 7/17
Near San Gabriel Fault, Miocene-Pliocene sediments
"Thank you for the great field pouch design! It's been super awesome in the field and I'm telling all my colleagues."
Krystel Rios, 5/17
Our PD pouch goes to Balmuccia in Italy, western Alps. with mantle peridotite visible on the surface.
Liang Qiu 2/17, China University of Geosciences, Beijing.
Devils Punchbowl, County Park, So. California
"I received the pouch, and I used it in field this past weekend!! It is awesome. So convenient, sleek, and cool loooking."
Drew Levy 4/16, UCLA Geology Dept.

"I've attached an image of the pouch in use at the Grand Canyon from this past weekend. It worked perfectly!! :). Thanks,"
Andrew Bochko, 5/14, Arizona State University
"I am still using my first Plateau Designs field pouch that I bought as a geology graduate student in 1994. After 17 field seasons in Idaho, Montana, and the Brooks Range of Alaska it is still durable enough to head out with me in the summer of 2011. The pouch is big enough to hold everything that needs to be readily accessible, but is small enough to not get in the way during scrambles up and across steep slopes. I recommended the pouch to all of our geology students and will certainly buy another once my original finally wears out.
Thanks for the great product."
James Vogl, 7/10, Depart. of Geological Sciences, University of Florida, Pioneer Mountains of Idaho.
"I am a geology graduate student and received a red field pouch this past spring as a gift for my field camp in Turkey. It was the perfect thing! Super convenient and sturdy. By the end of the trip, all the other students had become envious of my ability to quick-draw my field book and colored pencils while leaving my hands free to climb. This picture is one taken at Meteor Crater, AZ, on a recent trip. Thank you for top quality products!"
Sarah 2010
"The field pouch I bought from you is the best. Here it is working in Svalbard taking sediment cores in front of a tidewater glacier. Thanks,"
Theo, 8/09 Photo taken by Julie Brigham-Grette
"I wore out one Plateau Design pouch (after about 10 years) and am on my second one. The photo is of me many years ago coring at the Lubbock Lake archaeological site in Texas."
Vance T. Holliday, 3/10, Professor of Anthropology & Geosciences, University of Arizona
"Last year my wife and I took a trip to the Peruvian Andes and a trek into the jungles of the Manu. My sister, a geologist and bird watcher living in Idaho came along, bringing with her one of your field pouches, which you may recognize in the attached photo. She is not the only one who likes the pouch. As you can see, a native butterfly also was quite impressed and followed her for some time, hitching a ride on the flap.
The picture was taken on August 10, 2007, in the Peruvian jungles of the Manu northeast of Cuzco, near a village called Pilcopata.
We hope you would enjoy seeing where some of your products travel and how they are appreciated!"
Bob R., Phoenix, AZ 9/08
"The pouches really are tough. No one knows how hard I am on clothes or anything else than my wife does, and she is amazed that my pouch lasted as long as it did. I wore it practically every day for a number of years, and that extra pocket is really handy. When I first looked for it, I wanted something I could wear on my belt (since anything else would probably fall off and I would lose it) since at that time, most of my shirts did not have pockets. Now I carry a pocket calculator, my glasses case, a variety of pencils; and if we go birding, sometimes I will take out the calculator, etc., to put birding guides in. I used it pretty hard. It's still basically intact although the Velcro patch is ripping off. But it still keeps going like the Eveready battery bunny." Thanks again, Bill, 9/08
"My previous pouch that I bought as part of a group order while I was at Colorado College in the late nineties, has served me well. Unfortunately, I had a mishap with my HCl bottle about a year ago and some holes have developed. I will have to be more careful in the future. But I am grateful that you are still in business."
Eric, 9/08
"Are the Plateau Design field pouches still made? I've been using the same one for about 20 years, and it's the best. Thanks,"
Andrew, 8/06